But ... how to make a sif file ???

.sif is the native produced Synfig vector animation file. Inkspace can produce no animated sif file (Since 0.49 nativly, before the Sif Exporter done by Nikitakit did it)

Demo/Test v0.21 (based on sifPlayer) page for SifPlayer (by haramanai).

This page is sifplayer 0.21 poweredby commit E4498022f9,
Last update of this page 18.04.13

LastNews : converted@99,5% - ogg for all but plane + why plane don't load? + play/pause little improvement (but cpu up!) + can we avoid canvas resize glitch?
LastNews171212 : All anim are unloaded && all ogg are paused by default

sifplayer result export reference notes layer preview sif source
Ogg-libtheora/ffmpeg render via synfig - 320x240 - 2000kbs - 24fps - q9/anticre9 - 70.2Ko (only!)
  • [+] everything move well !!! since pre0.1
  • [-] cpu usage !!! v0.21
  • [-] gradient respected -> end point gradiant seems to not be at the good position v0.21
  • [-] centertoright : lost of shape deformation pre0.1
  • [-] topleft : not same rotation rythm, in gif as in synfig player rotation is not linearv0.21ok
  • [-] global : lost of loop in web version (local loop gooood)
  • [info] added a yellow to black gradiant back v0.21
arbol.sif - 186,4ko
Ogg -768x512 - 2000kbs - 24fps - q3 - 1,3 Mo (only!)
  • [++] everything move well !!! since pre0.1
  • [++] transparency background support ! v0.21
  • [+] original source is 2.1 Mo with a lot of points !
  • [-] cpu usage v0.21
  • [-] Central Building : TBC is lossed
  • [-] global : lost of loop in web version (local loop gooood)
  • [info] for global village vectorisation, i have used
    • * - [inkscape] tracebitmap/potrace,
    • * - [inkscape] some objects/layers work,
    • * - [inkscape] plugins prepare for synfig export,
    • * - [inkscape] save as sif and
    • * - ... quickly anim with the best blablablal synfig.
globalvillage.sif - 2,1mo
Ogg - 320x240 - 1000kbs - 24fps - q3 - 1.8mo
  • [-] global : "no param type" dialog box + code dump pre0.1
    "About the no Param Type : SifPlayer is not completed so when you come in a param type that is not implemented you will get a pop up alert dialog box that will print the data. "
  • [info] multiply and loop layers
pillars.sif - 105ko
Ogg - 320x240 - 2000kbs - 24fps - q1 - 900ko
  • [+] global : Sif file is 2.2 MegaOctets
  • [-] global : Ogg export if more than twice less weight
  • [-] global : Don't load ! v0.21
  • [info]
logotml.sif - 2,2mo
Ogg - XXXxXXX - XXXkbs - q3 - XXXmo
  • [+] global :
  • [-] xxxx :
  • [info]
"SIFPLAYER for HTML5 it's a javascript lib to play on an web browser an unzipped sif file on the based html canvas. Sif are the files that are produced by the open source vector animation software : Synfig"
More informations, help, bug report, repository, code, last updates about SifPlayer
Tips: Depends on http server configuration, you will need to rename youre sif source file (.sif) to xml file type (.xml) to 'bypass' http server restrictions.

TODO / js mk it nicer / document buttons particular usage / infos on cpu usage / report [+] [-] on git !!!!

Since en years, Synfig (and is his history) , just did some incredible stuff ...

Synfig was @ Lgm13

Amaya & gEdit & leafpad & filezilla in the backyard